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Soz Abdulqadir Abdulrahman (Change)

Personal Information

Name Soz Abdulqadir Abdulrahman
Surname Baban
Nationality Kurd
Religion Muslim
Date & Place of Birth  1960, Slemani
Residency Slemani, Shorish Quarter
Education Masters Degree in General Statistics


Gorran (Change Movement)

Committee Membership


Previous career

  1. Consultant at Ministery of Planning of Kurdistan Regional Government from 4.10.2020 till 30.11.2022
  2. Member of Chamber of Government and Parliament of Gorran (Change Movement), 2014-2020
  3. Member of First Term of Sulemani Provincial Council (Head of Planning Committee and Deputy Head of Womens Committee of the Council), 2005-2014
  4. Head of Sales Office of Sarchinar and Tasluja Cement Factories, 1983
  5. Founder and Head of Mor Organization for Spreading Non-Violent Ideas


