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Committees’ recent meetings – 24 December 2019

Finance Committee and Minister of Finance hold a meeting about Reform Bill

23 December - To discuss and exchange ideas about the Reform Bill, Parliament’s Finance and Economic Affairs Committee, led by vice-chair Mr. Hevidar Ahmad (KDP), met with KRG Finance Minister Awat Janab, and Minister for the Region for Parliamentary Affairs Dr. Vala Fareed.

The Committee and the ministry officials exchanged views on the Bill on Reform of Pensions, Salaries, Allowances, Grants and Other Benefits in Kurdistan Region. They also spoke about one of the aims of the Bill, which is to bring fairness to the salary and pensions system for government employees, and to be in the wider public interest.

Relations and Kurdish Diaspora Committee meet with Greek Consul General Efthymios Costopoulos

23 October - To follow up on the problems facing refugees and migrants from Kurdistan Region in Greece, the Relations and Kurdish Diaspora Committee, led by the chair Dr. Rebwar Babkayi (KDP) visited the Greek Consulate in Erbil and met with Consul General Efthymios Costopoulos.

Dr. Babkayi thanked the Government of Greece for opening the consulate in Erbil, and hoped that the KRG would consider opening a Representative Office in Athens. He explained the committees’ remit and role.

Mr. Costopoulos and the committee discussed the situation of nearly 1,800 refugees and migrants from Kurdistan Region in Greece, some of whom are held in detention. The committee asked the Consul General that they be treated fairly and humanely, according to international laws and agreements. They gave the Consul details of cases and asked for his assistance.

The Consul General pledged to look into and help resolve the refugees’ problems.

23 December - The committee held their regular meeting, led by the chair Dr. Rebwar Babkayi (KDP). They discussed the Kurdistan Parliament Presidency’s response to the committee’s request to visit Germany and Sweden to meet the Kurdish Diaspora, hear their problems and requests, and get their views on the Kurdish Diaspora Bill. The committed reiterated their aim of increasing their coordination with the KRG Department of Foreign Relations, and decided to invite department officials to meet in Parliament.

Protection of Women's Rights Committee

23 December - The committee led by the chair Ms. Lanja Dizayee (KDP) discussed their plan for the coming year on advocating for women’s rights and solving their challenges. They also stressed the need to hold meetings with women’s advocacy and protection organizations that work by following the principles of democracy and human rights. They also decided to coordinate with the government institutions in this regard.


Education, Higher Education, and Scientific Research Committee

23 December - The committee held their regular meeting, led by the chair Mr. Abdulsalam Dolamary (KDP). They discussed their visit to Salahaddin University. They will continue to visit the university’s faculties and departments.  MPs discussed the notes and requests sent to the committee.