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Kurdistan Parliament condemns terrorist attack on Erbil of 8 June 2022

In the name of the Kurdistan Parliament, we condemn in the strongest terms the completely unjustified cowardly terrorist drone bomb attack of 8th June 2022 on the city of Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region, injuring three civilians  and damaging several cars. Thankfully there were no fatalities.

We in the Kurdistan Parliament are deeply concerned for the citizens of Erbil and express our solidarity with them.

We hope that the injured will make a speedy recovery and we ask the relevant authorities in the Iraqi Government and the international community to prevent a repeat of such attacks, to take serious steps to prevent violations of the nation’s sovereignty and the citizens’ peace and security.

The will of the Kurdistani people for Kurdistan Region’s development, coexistence, peace and stability is much stronger than such cowardly acts of terrorism.

Presidency of Kurdistan Parliament

9 June 2022