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Parliament holds seminar by Professor Vasileios Syros on gender, diasporas and democracy

Kurdistan Parliament’s Research Centre and Greece’s Consulate General in Erbil on 9 May 2022 held a seminar on gender and democracy and diasporas and modern democracy, for several committees and administrative staff.

The seminar was given by Professor Vasileios Syros, professor of history and comparative political theory, and the Medici Archive Project’s Director of the Early Modern Greek Culture Program. Consul General Dr. Stavros Kyrimis also attended the seminar.

MPs from the committees on legislation, relations and Kurdish Diaspora, social affairs and human rights, and women’s rights, as well as Parliament advisers and Protocol and International Relations department took part in the seminar.

Professor Syros explained the continuation of gender inequality and its impact on the democratic process, the important role of Greek women during and after revolutions. He emphasized that this must be tackled at the early stages through education to ensure gender equality, so that it is be reflected in all areas of life.

Dr. Syros then spoke about how the Diaspora can create a platform, social media’s influence on diasporas and Greece’s history of strong diaspora, emphasizing the Greek Diaspora’s influence on the country's politics and democracy.

He said that nationalism and service to the homeland have limits, and this is reflected in the diasporas.

The MPs and staff of Parliament exchanged their views with Professor Syros on the seminar topics.