29 April - Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami yesterday met Mr. Burhan Kayaturk, former MP for Van in Turkey’s Grand National Assembly. Mr Hawrami and Mr Kayaturk discussed ways of strengthening relations between their respective countries’ parliaments.
Latest news

Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami welcomes Ambassador Peter Galbraith
30th April 2019 - Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami today welcomed Ambassador Peter W Galbraith, a long-time friend and advocate for the people of Kurdistan.

Parliament’s Committee for Kurdistani Areas outside the KRG Administrative Area discuss Constitution Article 140
24 April 2019 - The Kurdistan Parliament’s Committee for Kurdistani Areas outside the KRG Administrative Area today met with Mr Adnan Mansoor, Director of Khanaqin’s Office for Article 140 of the Iraqi Constitution.

Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami meets Global Samaritan Resources humanitarian NGO
25 April 2019 – Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami today met Global Samaritan Resources , a US humanitarian NGO that has partnered with the Barzani Charity Foundation to help refugees and IDPs in the Kurdistan Region.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami and Heartland Alliance discuss continued cooperation on Kurdistan Parliament’s work
Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 23 April met Heartland Alliance International, to discuss continued work with the Kurdistan Parliament to share knowledge and expertise.

Parliament Secretary Muna Kahveci participates in Baghdad Summit for parliaments of countries neighbouring Iraq
Parliament Secretary Muna Kahveci this week participated in the Baghdad Summit for parliaments of the countries neighbouring Iraq.

Speaker Dr. Vala Farid meets Canada’s Institute on Governance
Parliament Speaker Dr. Vala Farid, met on April 11, 2019 with a delegation from Canada's Institute on Governance, led by Ms. Madeleine Meilleur. They discussed increasing women's participation in institutions.

Parliament's presidency congratulate journalists on Kurdish Press Day
16th21 April, 2019 - Parliament's presidency today congratulated journalists in the Kurdistan Region on the 121st anniversary of the Kurdish press. In their message on the anniversary, the presidency said the Kurdistan Region has made progress in promoting and supporting a free press, through the Press Law enacted by the Parliament. “The free press in the Region reflects the reality and experiences of the Region” the statement read.

Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami at Kurdistan Health Summit says Parliament will prioritise health service improvements
Deputy Speaker Hemen Hawrami, at the first Kurdistan Health Summit in Erbil, said that the Kurdistan Parliament will prioritise improvements in health services and education.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami welcomes new South Korea Consul General to Kurdistan Region
16th April 2019 - Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami today met the new South Korea Consul General to Erbil, Mr Kwang-jin Choi, and talked about ways to improve the Kurdistan Parliament's effectiveness and strengthen relations with the Parliament of South Korea.